Sunday, June 11, 2017

2017.06.10-Turtle Lake, WI

2017.06.10-Turtle Lake, WI
Another hot day here in Wisconsin, up to 93.  Oh well.

On the way to Turtle Lake, I had to call the RV Park because we were getting two different directions.  The guy who answered the phone said just past the Family Dollar store, turn left then go to the blue and white building.  Turns out the blue and white building is a liquor store and he was the RV park manager.  He had to say blue and white building, because there is another liquor store right next door!  Turtle Lake has a population of 1050, draw your own conclusions.  😊

I noticed that this little town has some very interesting street names; maybe just an afterthought.

We had lunch in town at one of the local restaurants, RV park manager called it the local greasy spoon (we went anyway.)  For dessert, we had bread pudding made from cinnamon buns with a delicious caramel sauce.  YUM!

We then drove to St Croix, WI to see the national park there, St. Croix National Scenic Riverway.  Turns out the town of St Croix was having a fair and main street was closed off for about 4 blocks.  After visiting the St Croix Park visitor’s center, we walked the fair.  There really weren’t many vendors and what was there was more along the lines of a flea market.  Jerry bought one of those new spinner things for kids with ADHD, that should tell you everything you need to know!  Walking back to the car we stopped in a small pottery store.  The potter was there making mugs, which was pretty interesting.  I bought a mug for tea.  We don’t have room for much, but one mug I can make room for.  😉

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