Friday, July 21, 2017

2017.07.21-Kabetogama, MN

2017.07.21-Kabetogama, MN

Yesterday late afternoon, we drove over to the Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary just beyond Orr, MN.  This isn’t a sanctuary the way I think of a sanctuary, these animals are totally wild to come and go as they please, there are no fences to keep them contained.  From every direction black bears come here to feed.  From where I stood on the two-story high deck, I could see 10 black bears feeding at different feeding stations around the yard.  Interns with no fear walked out among the bears to refill the feeding spots while there were bears still around feeding.  The bears pretty much ignore them.  It was very interesting to watch.  We listened to one intern discuss the bear diet.  The sanctuary feeds daily, but it is not a complete nutritious diet.  These bears are expected to forage to complete their diet.

From what we could see, there were a lot of interns, guessing maybe 18 or so.  They opened the gates, helped with parking, drove the bus from the parking lot to the feeding area, manned the gift shop, answered questions, gave talks, oh, and got to walk among the bears while feeding them!  HOW EXCITING!  However, the interns stay on the property in some of the cabins, but there is no electricity or running water.  Ah, to be young again.  I’m way too used to our glamping…  no running water and no electricity is NOT my cup of tea.

We were told before feeding time, the mamma bears ‘tell’ their young cubs to climb a tree and STAY there until she returns.  Sometimes, after she eats, she will retrieve her cubs and bring them back so they can eat too.  Unfortunately, we did not see any cubs, but what we saw was delightful!

To learn more about their mission, go to

This one was maybe 20' from the deck!

Today, we drove into International Falls, MN, to find the “largest” Smokey Bear statue in the country.  He is 26’ tall and “was erected in 1952 as a project of Koochiching County’s Keep Minnesota Green Committee.”  Can you tell it has been a slow day here?  😉

While we were there, we had lunch at the Chocolate Moose.  And, as Jerry says, I have the tee shirt to prove it.  Yes, we did have a chocolate concoction for dessert.  YUM!

This is sunset from the fishing dock at our Lake Kabetogama campground.

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